State of loneliness and loss of communication in the highly-mediated cosmopolitain is depicted as four channels of paralleled narratives are going on in the cattle depot simultaneously, with disturbing layers of sounds and lights. Audience must find their own ways to view.
The second half of the performance is a spatial experience of silence with installations spreading in the cattle house.
It is under the ‘Border’ series of Littlebreath, with the “Border I” project as Present Absentee premiered in 2014. Continuing both the topics of thoughts and experiments on artistic forms, Absent Presentee is using a totally different perspective and approach to hack in the same issues.
[Nomination] Performer Ivy Tsui was nominated as the Best Actress in the Hong Kong Theatre Libre 2016.
聲像裝置 X 身體劇場 – 邊境之二 Multimedia Installation X Site-Specific Body Theatre – Boder II
At the closest spot of the light source lies a bottomless pit of darkness.
無動機殺人 Killing without motive
無動機生存 Living without vision
無明無無明 Being ignorant without delusion
Surrounded by all the nonsense speeches, only with our body can we defy the silent turbulence.
主辦 PRESENTED BY 康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department
「多媒體新動力」系列 ‘Multi-Media-Motion’ Series
演出 PERFORMANCE 2015.3.5-8 (四Thu-日Sun) 8pm
土瓜灣牛棚藝術村12號單位 No.12, Cattle Depot Artist Village, To Kwa Wan
票價 Ticket Price:$160
不設觀眾席,請穿方便走動的衣物 No auditorium, please wear comfortable clothing.
演後藝人談 Meet the artist
3月6日演出後舉行 (粵語主講) After 6 Mar performance (In Cantonese)